Tuesday, July 28, 2009

26 Weeks

Today marks 26 weeks.  We are speechless.  No words can describe it.  Do we celebrate?  Do we just continue on?  What do we do besides just wait with fear and anxiety?
The farther along we get, the harder it becomes for us that we are going to lose our baby.  Many babies are born premature and are fine.  Why can't Noah be early?  Why can't they fix him?  These are questions we have asked the doctor and still the outlook is grim.
We move forward thankful for each milestone Noah makes it through.  We cherish the moments we get to be his parents, knowing that someday God will be a better parent than we can ever be.  We are comforted by knowing that God will take care of Noah on earth and in heaven.  As we wait in these difficult moments, we continue to ask God for a miracle unexplainable by human medicine.  While we wait, we try to find peace in all of this knowing that it is in God's hands.


  1. Dear Katie: I am heartbroken for you. I will continue to pray for you, your hubby and Baby Noah. Thank you for sharing your story. Brenda Diekema

  2. Dan, Katie and Noah,

    Please know that I pray for you daily and I continue to ask God to make Noah healthy. My heart just aches for your situation. Thank you for allowing us to walk beside you during this difficult time.
