Monday, November 8, 2010

32 Week Ultrasound

Today we had an ultrasound. This was a follow-up from before, just to double check the bambino's kidney size. Things all look great and there are no concerns. The baby is measuring at 4 lbs. 10 oz., which is in the 70th percentile.

It is so hard to believe that we have 6-8 weeks before the big revealing. We are proud of ourselves for staying strong (despite the pressures of those around us) and not finding out if we are having a boy or a girl. We praise the Lord for guiding us through this pregnancy and providing support to us when we need it most. Just when I'm close to panicking from lack of movement, I'm given a good boot that jars my stomach around. God is good!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

November 4th

Today's date is pretty sentimental to us. A date that was so anticipated, yet now causes so much heartbreak. Today we pray for strength and peace that passes all understanding. We know Noah is having a party in heaven each day and we praise the Lord for that, but today we miss our little fellow and wish we were able to celebrate what would have been his 1st birthday here on earth.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

30 Weeks!!!

The little wonder above came into this world a little earlier than anticipated. At 30 weeks my niece Izzy joined us weighing only 3lbs. So teeny tiny, but so full of fight. Although her parents are frequently frustrated with her determination and strong will, it is what has gotten her to where she is today. Every full blown tantrum is a reminder of the strength she has been blessed with.

I'm baffled when I think of the little bumpkin in my belly being 30 weeks. Although we pray for 10 more weeks safe and sound in my belly, it is comforting to know that medically speaking our little one will be okay if they make their debut a little earlier than anticipated. 10 more short weeks for Dan and I to get everything in order and a name decided. 10 more short weeks for Dan and I to get our rest before we are happily waking up every couple of hours. 10 more short weeks and our hearts will be less anxious about the safety of our little one. 10 more short weeks and a whole new world of worrying will begin. We pray that the next 10 weeks go by quickly and our little one is with us soon!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

She's 9!!!

How can it be that 9 years ago my 1st niece came into this world? Where did the time go? I remember anxiously awaiting her arrival as I was student teaching. Although I am no longer to spoil her like I always use to, she still holds a very special spot in my heart as my first niece. I use to be able to be the aunt that could (and would) buy her the cute sweater at baby gap that was ridiculously priced (along with the must have hat that matched). Now, oodles of wonderful nieces and nephews later, I can no longer buy every irresistibly cute outfit I see for each of them. Now, 9 years later, a very emotional expectant mother, I'm reminded how quickly time passes and hold tight to each wonderful moment.

Happy 9th Birthday Kori!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

20 Week Ultrasound

Last week we had our 20 week ultrasound and everything looks perfect! Praise the Lord for this great news!!! Though there is still some anxiety, we are comforted knowing things are okay. We will still have another ultrasound with the specialist to affirm that things are good.

As for the blog vanished!!! I guess the free background patterns only last so long. I need to do some updating, but I'm not sure how to revamp things. So, for now, it is just the way it is and the decorative side of me will have to relax until I can make it the way I want it.

Thanks again for all your prayers with the ultrasound! We are SO thankful for the blessings that lie ahead and glad that some of our anxieties are have subsided.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Today we celebrate the 1/2 way point in our pregnancy. It is hard to believe our little New Year's Eve baby will be joining us in just another 20 weeks (or so).

Tuesday we have an ultrasound. We are so anxious to get a little peek at our little one. I will be honest, we (more specifically me) are also terrified. We are trusting the Lord and praying for a healthy little one.

Will we find out boy or girl? Who knows yet. We were set in stone that we wouldn't find out. However, if you know Dan... you know he can't wait for surprises. He is the kind of guy who when he buys a present, he'll give it to you right away, even if your birthday isn't for another month. If we don't find out this ultrasound, we will be able to find out in future ultrasounds. I think Dan wants to know because he is watching me slowly fill the closet with little pink and blue clothes. His thinking is... if we know, then we will only be spending 1/2 as much. Little does he know, there will be a whole lot more shopping and planning happening if we know the gender. I SO need the school year to begin so I can't find anymore cute things.

A healthy baby is all we pray for, boy or girl we will love them equally. However, I (and many others) have a STRONG feeling it is a little girl. Oh how Dan's heart will melt. He will try to be so tough, but I know he will melt like butter.

The past 20 weeks have been filled with fear and excitement. I never thought I would be so happy to be throwing up all the time. To me it was just a reminder that all was well in the womb, and I took comfort in all the symptoms I had...even when they weren't the most enjoyable. During the 1st trimester, I was blessed to be barfing. I was dysfunctionally drowsy and having insane intervals of insomnia. Through it all, I graciously grazed on several sleeves of saltines to soften a sour stomach, and I always knew where the nearest trash bin or toilet was. During this time, Dan became VERY strong and faced his worst fears...someone else's puke. As we entered the 2nd trimester, these symptoms subsided which left me fearful and anxious. I held tight to the hellacious heartburn and prayed we would begin feeling movement soon. Around 17 weeks, I started noticing little bubbles in my stomach. Thinking it was just a little flatulence, I didn't think too much of it...until it continued. Now at 20 weeks, I have regular 5 AM dance parties going on in my tummy. It is so good to know the baby is already developing an early morning routine. Last night the little Kung Fu Fighter was going crazy and Dan actually got to feel a little kick. It is so great to see the overwhelming joy on Dan's face when he gets to experience this. The sparkle in his eyes and the awe struck smile on his face are priceless.

Dan is more than excited for the new year to come. He is hoping to have the first baby on 1/1/11. I on the other hand have a feeling it will be much later than that and think our little one will be sharing a birthday on the 6th with my nephew Eli (no worries E, we won't forget to still spoil you).

As we move forward with excitement and fear, we trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understandings. Though our year has been filled with many emotions, we know that soon we will be holding our precious little gift from above. Our hearts will not replace our precious little Noah, but grow larger and full of more love than we could ever imagine.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

One year later

A year ago today our precious little angel was called by name and taken home. Though our hearts shattered in a million pieces, we trust that Noah is safe in the arms of OUR Father.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Noah's Park

Last week, I was taking care of my 3 year old niece when we decided that Tucker needed a walk. So, out we went into the heat and roasting sun. A few steps into our walk, Izzy started asking to go to "Noah's Park". At first I was unsure if I had heard her correctly, and to be quite frank I was surprised she knew we were not far from the cemetery. My heart was warmed when I realized she frequently goes to the park next to where Noah is buried and has named it "Noah's Park".

Our hot and humid walk was a little longer than a 3 year old can handle, so it led to me carrying her. Not smart, but how can you say no to a sweet little thing asking you to go to the park? Our travels continued and once we arrived, it was like routine for her to help water Noah's flowers and then go over to play on the swing set. It means so much that my nieces and nephews are familiar with Noah and all know that he is in heaven. We feel so blessed to be so loved and cared for by those around us.

On a funny side note, I was also very excited she knew the direction to Noah's Park. No offense to her directionally challenged father, but he still gets lost at the cottage after 12+ years of going up there. I'm comforted to know she doesn't have his sense of direction.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

In Memory of Noah Daniel

This weekend we planted a tree in memory of Noah. My parents have a cottage up north, that we know will always be a homestead in our lives. It is a place that holds so many memories of good times and laughter. It is a place we go to getaway from our hectic daily life. It is a place we knew we wanted to plant a tree.

Noah's tree is planted in the perfect spot. It sits peacefully in the retaining wall in a place that can be seen during all the daytime activities. As the retaining wall is finished, there will be beautiful landscaping and small deck.

We often dreamed of raising Noah and the fun times we would share at the cottage. Skiing, tubing, paddle boat rides, catching turtles, campfires...all the things that make it being up north. Having a tree there to remind us of him seems only fitting.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beautifully Made

Today I found out an old friend of mine is heading into a similar journey we had with Noah. My heart breaks for them. Knowing the fears and anxieties they are having all to well, I pray for her and her family as they face the scary road ahead. I pray their faith stays strong at their darkest times and that miracles can happen.

"Beautifully Made" is how she describes her child. Such a true and touching statement that brings me to tears every time I read it . Please pray for her and her family as they meet with the specialist and find out more about their child.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Miss Malorie

A year ago, Dan and I met a little girl named Malorie. She melts your heart in an instant with her sweetness, but makes you chuckle with her sassy comments. Her spunk and zest for life are contagious. She can light up a room with her engaging personality and great sense of humor. As we've had our dark times, Malorie has always put a smile on our face. She makes us laugh and is such a joy to be around.

Malorie is 7 years old and living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). SMA is the #1 genetic killer of children under the age of 2. 50% of those diagnosed will not live to see their 2nd birthday. Malorie is beating the odds! She is growing, thriving, and loving life!

She needs your prayers and your votes!

Chase is giving away $5,000,000 to US charities - and a SMA charity, The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, has a real shot of winning - they were already a $25,000 winner in the first round! This round could reward the SMA research community with $1,000,000!
Please, family and friends, take a minute to vote! A million dollars can go a long way in helping Malorie and so many other SMA kids/families. The Gwendolyn Strong Foundation has already accomplished so much--please vote and help them make more strides! After voting for the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, who has earmarked the $1 million for SMA research, then please SHARE this with everyone however you can (FB, Twitter, blog, email, web site, phone call) and urge them to do the same. You can vote up to 5 times - between Jan 15-22. Please help - they are so close to the cure!

Below are some of the great moments we've been able to share with Mal. Times when she made us smile...

This is at Malorie's golf outing in July. She is an excellent putter.

New Year's Eve we played Wii Fit Plus! Malorie won the crown for skiing!
Here she's ready to race down the hill, screaming at me the entire way down... "FASTER slowpoke!!!"
Again, please remember Malorie in your prayers and don't forget to VOTE!!! If you want to learn more about Malorie feel free to visit her blog...