Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Feeling so Loved

Dan and I are so grateful for the wonderful people who have surrounded us during our time of need.  Your thoughtfulness continues to touch us with each day.  

Recently, Dan and I received a letter from the funeral home stating that someone anonymously covered the costs of Noah's memorial.   Though we can't personally thank those responsible for this act of kindness, we hope they read this blog and know that their kindness is appreciated.  The different expenses we encounter are very painful.  Instead of spending our money at Babies 'R Us on fun things like strollers and car seats,  we are hit with funeral costs and burial fees.  The emotional toll that comes with each bill sent to our home is harder than the actual expense of the bill.  When we got  a letter from the funeral home stating that our expenses were covered it brought tears to our eyes.  We felt so loved that someone was so selfless and helped us out in our time of need.   With all our hearts we thank you and appreciate what you've done.

Another act of kindness that warmed our hearts was a recent trip to Frankenmuth.  Dan's Aunts took us there as a little getaway and a way to show us their love.  Who knew our little getaway would end in stardom.  Thanks to Grace's desire to turn left and Marlene's love for chocolate, we walked into a little shop and were asked to be part of an advertisement they were shooting.  With wine and chocolates, we dined with real class as the cameras rolled.  At one point they wanted a close up of me sipping the wine.  Since I'm not a wine drinker, I had to choke down the small sample they gave me while maintaining a pleasant look on my face.  We are all waiting on our next casting call.  We were cheap actors for them...a box of chocolates and we were ecstatic.  Later that evening we went to Bronner's and shopped till we dropped.  Who knew there could be so many Christmas items?  It was a nice getaway for us and again we were touched by their thoughtfulness.
And still there are others that have brought flowers, made goodies, given us dinner, given us sentimental objects, and so much more.  Words can't even begin to express how blessed we feel to be so love.  Your kindness is a witness and encouragement to us.

1 comment:

  1. How amazing that someone was that thoughtful. You and Dan are loved some much Katie! Also, What a great time with Dan's Aunts :) I hope to see that advertisement..... :)
